Thursday, September 14, 2006

We Are Not Vigilantes

Anti terrorist group claim.

A new group, formed to raise community awareness of weapons of mass destruction, rejected claims of being a type of US style citizens army. Concerned Aware Citizens of Australia (CacA), a volunteer group of ordinary Australians, are hoping to find practical ways that people can help the War on Terror.

“It all started with the fridge magnets.” founding member Schappylle Scragg, said. “When ours first arrived, we all had a bit of a laugh, but a few years down the track, the magnet was still on the fridge, and it started to make me think, well, yeah, it is time to be alert, but what does that mean?”

“The sad fact is that terrorists aren’t out there somewhere, but seem just like ordinary people. If someone wants to blow up the opera house they aren’t going to be wearing a t-shirt announcing the fact.

New member Craig adds, “I think this type of threat is just too much for most people. It’s too big and too scary and most people hope the government will take care of things and it will go away. Weapons of mass destruction can be made from just about anything, and by almost anyone, so we think people need to be aware of what stuff they’ve got lying around and what could happen if it got into the wrong hands”.

Schappylle continues, “I got talking to some friends and we decided that, like saving the planet, fighting the war on terror involves thinking globally but acting locally, and that’s just what we’re trying to do”.

Asked if they might be seen by some as vigilantes, Schapppylle emphatically rejects the claim. “We are not vigilantes and we are not about leading some sort of witch hunt against extremists or weirdos. We just want ordinary Australians to know how they can do their bit to help keep Australia safe and secure”

CacA will also be having an open shop from 26th January to 6th February at 116 Chalmers Street, Surry Hills 2010. They will have information, questionnaires, displays and giveaways to gather suggestions and ideas from ordinary Australians on how people can take the global war on terror into their own homes.

“We want to make it fun, without being frivolous” Says Schappylle “If people can find easy ways to do something against terrorism everyday, then the world will be a safer place”.

“Its right next to Central Station, and we are opening at 6pm on Australia Day, so people can come down after the festivities, and bring the whole family.”


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